マッドハニーが本当に特別なのは、その希少性と供給量の少なさです。ネパールとトルコで発見され、 豊かでユニークな 2 つの文化がシームレスに融合しています。この 2 つの国だけが、その秘められた宝物を誇りを持って世界に伝えることができます。
トルコではデリ バルとして知られ、コーカサス地方の Rhododendron luteum と Rhododendron ponticum の蜜を餌としています。トルコの狂った蜂蜜には、懐かしいアナトリアの香りが漂い、さまざまな味覚を刺激します。
The buzzing honey is set apart from the rest of the delicacies because of its special features. Discover the quirks of the honey, which has been celebrated and approached with caution for centuries.
Grayanotoxin is one ingredient that comprises the eccentricity of the honey. The rhododendron flowers contribute to the psychedelic effects of honey. It is the only honey known to soothe nerves and alleviate stress, keeping you at ease and peace.
Following an old-age tradition passed down from their ancestors, the Gurung community hunts for honey without any additional tools. As a result, mad honey is 100% pure without any additives
Only spring and autumn is favorable for the collection of authentic honey. Due to its collection only twice a year, plus the intense process, mad honey is rarely available.
When a boy takes birth in the Gurung community, he has a close friendship with the red honey and bees. And, when he is barely ten, he goes with his father, grandfather, or uncles to witness the complete adventure of honey hunting. From his early days, he has adopted a strong belief to save his culture, and 'saving his culture' now has become his only way to put bread on the table.
Apis Dorsata Labiorasa or as the locals call it, “The Giant Honeybee”, is the world’s largest honey bee with stings even fiercer. The giant colonies of honeybees guard their mad honey dearly. Hence, a little reckless step towards them, they feel rage. As a result, we all can imagine what happens next - the stingers attack the group of honey hunters with their pricking bites.
When a boy takes birth in the Gurung community, he has a close friendship with the red honey and bees. And, when he is barely ten, he goes with his father, grandfather, or uncles to witness the complete adventure of honey hunting. From his early days, he has adopted a strong belief to save his culture, and 'saving his culture' now has become his only way to put bread on the table.
天然のハチミツはどれも健康に良い効果をもたらしますが、マッドハニーは独自の化合物の配合により際立っています。甘さだけではなく、その中身が重要です。グラヤノトキシン I-III、フェノール化合物、グルコース、必須ミネラルがマッドハニーの強力な効果を生み出しています。